      通过AI交流我们“寻找”到了一个幻想中的美国共产党员,我们并不知道其真实性, AI在人与人之间的交流中开始出现新的关系,这样的关系即使现在依然是属于弱人工智能的范畴,但是也不可掩盖其对于人——人间交流的转换到人——物的转换,这正是我们需要思考的问题。
























 我们还与 Black Lives Matter 运动等团体合作,以加强我们的联盟。




 我们这样做是因为马克思主义要求我们帮助工人阶级。 而环境直接影响到工人阶级。


美国马克思主义 著


American Communists and the Struggle for Socialism

What is the American Communist Party?

The American Communist Party is an organization in the USA that supports Marxism and socialism.
We believe that Marxism is the best economic system for helping people.
We support a peaceful and internationalist revolution because we believe that socialism can only be achieved through a revolutionary uprising.
We believe that Americans should support the international working class in its struggle against imperialism and capitalism.

What does the American Communist Party believe?

The American Communist Party believes that the working class is being exploited by the capitalist class.
We believe that the rich are stealing the fruits of labor from the poor.
We believe that the working class should unite and overthrow the capitalist class.
We believe that the working class should take control of the means of production and create a new society based on socialism and communism.

What does the American Communist Party do?

The American Communist Party works to organize the working class into a unified force against capitalism.
We also try to educate people about the ideas of Marxism.
We believe that Marxism can save the working class from their oppressed state.
We believe that Marxism is the best ideological path for creating a peaceful and united world where people can work together and have their basic needs met.


The American Communist Party is a small but growing organization.
We are determined to do anything we can to help the American working class.

Today's Activities:

The American Communist Party is working with unions right now to support the American working class.

We are also working with groups such as the Black Lives Matter movement to strengthen our alliances.

But we also do more than just political organizing.

We give speeches at colleges to educate people about Marxism.

And we also participate in environmental activism.

We do this because Marxism requires us to help working class people. And the environment directly affects the working class.

So, we do many important activities that support all working class people.

Marxism USA
